This is a little late, I apologize.
As a proud 'Zune' owner, I am a frequent 'Zune' software user. When the 'Zune HD' was officially announced and confirmed, I was both wanting one and thinking that they would update the software (which they had not announced to my recollection.) The 'Zune HD' device aside, I am here to talk about just the software.
Installation was effortless and didn't take but about 5 minutes on
my rig. Once it was installed, I was overwhelmed by all the new features it had to offer. One of my favorites being "Smart DJ" playlists. These are playlists of songs that are automatically generated once a user picks a song (out of your music library.) It's that easy, and it's great for parties. Another thing I like about the 'Zune' 4.0 software is how much snappier the UI is. No more waiting a few seconds for the software to hesitate, annoyingly (if that's even a word.) I also I like the "Quickplay" menu. This new feature acts well as a home screen. Meaning that it categorizes new media, frequently/recently used media, favorites media all on one page. I use the 'Zune' 4.0 software for my primary podcasting media player (not to mention I carry all of this content on my
2nd generation black 'Zune 80'). Overall, the interface hasn't changed much. The colors are mostly the same, with the exception of the "Quickview" screen/menu and the "Mixview" colors. It's all good.
All-in-all, I have nothing bad to say about the 'Zune' 4.0 Software. As far as I'm concerned, this software is perfect.
Download it today.
I give it a 5 out of 5.